Appeal to apply online for PM Micro Food Processing Industries Scheme.
Pune: It is necessary to submit an online application for the Prime Minister’s Micro Food Processing Industry Scheme on the portal developed by the Central Government.
Pradhan Mantri Micro Food Processing Industries Scheme is being implemented for a period of five years from 2020-21 to 2024-25 with the help of the Central Government. Under the scheme, the central government’s share is 60 per cent and the state government’s share is 40 per cent. The objective of the scheme is to increase the credit rating of individual micro food processing industries as well as farmer producer organizations, SHGs and producer co-operative societies, strengthen the branding and marketing of producers and integrate them into an integrated supply chain.
“One District One Product is being implemented and tomato crop has been selected for Pune district.
Emerging tomato processing industries can benefit from this scheme. All the processing industries in the taluka related to food processing (animal feed, dairy products, silage, poultry and meat processing, bakery products, forest products, dal meal, rice meal, cereals, oilseeds, fruits and vegetables, spices, pickles, papad, jaggery processing ) Industry expansion, strengthening, grading and marketing. The scheme is being implemented on a cluster basis and mainly on perishable goods. Under the scheme, emphasis will be laid on various training for which one hundred per cent grant will be given for the total expenditure. Preference will be given to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Women under the scheme.
Components of the scheme and criteria of eligible beneficiaries
Under the scheme, 35 per cent of the cost up to a maximum of Rs. 10 lakhs is payable to the individual beneficiaries mainly in the micro food processing industries. 35% of the cost of common facility centre, forward-backwards linkage, capital investment is payable to farmer producer organizations, self-help groups, co-operative growers. Also, under the marketing and branding component, 50 per cent of the total cost is subsidized. SHGs will be given a working capital, members will be given a loan or investment (seed capital) amount of Rs 4 lakh per savings group. Under this, a maximum of 10 members of a group will be given 40,000 seed capital each. Individual beneficiaries wishing to avail of benefits under the scheme should submit applications on the online portal. Also, farmers’ producer organizations, self-help groups, co-operative growers are required to submit the offline application to the office of the District Superintendent of Agriculture.
For the year 2021-22, a total of 325 lakhs have been distributed for Pune district for general individual beneficiaries, 280 lakhs for Scheduled Castes and 10 lakhs for Scheduled Tribes.
To avail of the benefits of the scheme, one should register on the website, appealed to District Superintendent of Agriculture, Dnyaneshwar Bote.