Establishment of Regional Selection Committee for filling up of regional level posts in the Land Records Department.
Mumbai: A Regional Selection Committee has been set up to fill the regional level posts in Group C of the Land Records Department. A government order in this regard has been issued by the Revenue and Forest Department on 25 October 2021.
A selection committee has been constituted at the regional level in the Land Records Department to fill the posts of Deputy Director Land Records, Konkan, Pune, Nashik, Aurangabad, Amravati and Nagpur in Group ‘C’. The committee will be chaired by the Settlement Commissioner and the Director of Land Records. Also the Deputy Director Land Records of other departments where the posts are to be filled, Divisional Skill Development, Employment and Entrepreneurship Guidance Officer of the department to be filled, Divisional Social Welfare Officer of the department to be filled, Tribal Development of the department to be filled. The Additional Commissioner of the Department, the Divisional Soldier Welfare Officer of the department to be filled will all be members of this committee. The member secretary of the committee will be the Deputy Superintendent of Land Records attached to the District Superintendent of Land Records of the department for which the posts are to be filled.
In the absence of the Settlement Commissioner and the Director of Land Records, the Additional Director of Upper Settlement and Land Records will act as the Chairman of the Selection Committee. The Settlement Commissioner and the Director of Land Records will be allowed to select additional members as required in the selection committee. In the department where the posts are to be filled, the Deputy Director of Land Records from other departments will be appointed as a member of the selection committee at the level of Settlement Commissioner and Director of Land Records. This is mentioned in the government order.