Glorious Annasaheb Magar College @ 51

अण्णासाहेब मगर महाविद्यालय, हडपसर Annasaheb Magar College Hadapsar हडपसर मराठी बातम्या Hadapsar News Hadapsar Latest News

Glorious Annasaheb Magar College @ 51

The story is that when I was in 10th grade, the school had just started. The divisions of the  10th class students about to happen, students were supposed to be divided into 5 divisions, till the time we were asked to sit together in 4 divisions. Yadav Sir teacher for geometry came into the class. Yadav Sir knew my elder brother, so he asked me what my elder brother does, I quickly replied that he is studying at Washington College.  अण्णासाहेब मगर महाविद्यालय, हडपसर Annasaheb Magar College Hadapsar हडपसर मराठी बातम्या Hadapsar News Hadapsar Latest News

There was laughter in all the classes, I did not know what happened, at that time the name of the college was ‘Kala Vanijya Mahavidyalaya’. But jokingly, everyone called it Washington College. I  still don’t know why they used to say Washington College.

Today, this art and commerce college is known as Annasaheb Magar College. Today, Annasaheb Magar College is not only an art and commerce college but it is a large educational complex.

Baburao Gholap has made a great contribution to education in the rural areas of Pune. Baburao Gholap established the Pune District Education Society on September 7, 1941, to for better education of children in rural areas.

As a result, many schools were started in rural areas and many got jobs as teachers. In short, the rural areas were beginning to change. For this, Annasaheb Magar had also helped Baburao Gholap in this task.

Establishment of Hadapsar College of Arts and Commerce

Annasaheb started a big movement in the field of farmers and co-operatives in Haveli taluka. But along with this development, the greatest tool for the development of society is education.

Primary and secondary education was available in the Hadapsar area. Annasaheb himself completed his secondary education in Hadapsar, but he also had to pursue higher education in Pune.

Anna Saheb wanted educational progress in Hadapsar along with the green revolution and cooperative movement. With this zeal he established the ‘Kala Vanijya Mahavidyalaya’ on 15th June 1971 with the help of Baburao Gholap and Mamasaheb Mohol.

Since there is no building for the college, initially the college started with 133 students in the building of ‘Bunter School’ at Hadapsar.

But Annasaheb was not satisfied with this, he wanted science to be started along with arts and commerce. He wanted the college to have its own spacious building, large grounds and a rich library. 

Annasaheb Magar asked Subhash Sahakari Samudayik Shetki Sangh for land for the college. Respecting the word of Annasaheb, Subhash Sahakari Samudayik Shetki Sangh provided 5 acres of land for the college at a reasonable price.

Annasaheb Magar College

Hadapsar Arts and Commerce College was established on 15th June 1971 with the untiring efforts and hard work of Annasaheb Magar. Aware of Annasaheb’s hard work, the then president of the organization, Hon. Prof. Ramakrishna More and the office bearers of the organization decided to rename this college “Annasaheb Magar College”.

अण्णासाहेब मगर यांचे  अविरत प्रयत्न आणि परिश्रमाने १५ जून १९७१ रोजी हडपसर कला व वाणिज्य महाविद्यालयांची स्थापना करण्यात आली. Hadapsar Arts and Commerce College was established on 15th June 1971 with the untiring efforts and hard work of Annasaheb Magar. हडपसर मराठी बातम्या Hadapsar Latest News Hadapsar News

On 20th January 1984, under the chairmanship of  Yashwantrao Chavan, the naming ceremony was held in the presence of the then Chief Minister of Maharashtra Vasantdada Patil and then President of Yashwant Sahakari Sugar Factory Manibhai Desai.

I got admission to Annasaheb Magar College in 1983-84. At that time Junior College was at 11 pm. I had to put in a lot of effort to get admission as there was a normal mark in 10th. 

The special thing about Annasaheb Magar College is that the discipline is like secondary school. There were separate rows for boys and girls in the classroom.

As it is the only college in the Hadapsar area, the boys and girls from the surrounding villages get admission to Annasaheb Magar College after the 10th standard. This led to many new acquaintances.

We got valuable guidance from Awari Sir who taught Accounts to Junior College, Kulkarni and Deokar Sir of English, Kakade Madam of Arthashatra, Deshpande Madam of Marathi, Pathare Sir and Ranapise Sir. We had a fearful respect for the.

College professors used to teach with great sincerity. Their guidance enabled many students to succeed in life.

Even the professors who taught in the senior colleges used to teach general knowledge and other professionally useful things besides studies.

Marathi was the language of undergraduate and postgraduate education in our college, English was the problem for most of the students, but since English was the language of the world, senior college professors used to encourage us to take postgraduate examinations in English. 

Prof. Dighe Sir, Prof. Walher Sir, Nanavare Sir, Head of Sports Birla Sir, Prof. Advocate Mohan Deshmukh, Principal M T Pawar Sir, and Deputy Principal Gadhve Sir were given guidance from time to time.

While in Senior College, I got the opportunity to participate in NSS (National Service Scheme). The main attraction for participating in NSS was Dr Prof. Arjundas Batra Sir. Batra Sir used to wear a white shirt, jacket and dhoti on it. Batra Sir teaches psychology. We didn’t know much about him as we were students of commerce, but participation in NSS helped us with his guidance.

 Batra Sir is a studious personality, explaining in a way that students can easily and simply understand. He was known as a student-loving professor.

His lectures on yoga and self-development were invaluable and useful. The same benefits accrue later in personal and public life.

He says, ‘Do as much as you can with full concentration’, whatever you do with concentration is the best. You will always remember the study you did with concentration.

I graduated in 1989 and enrolled at M Com, but I dropped out of M Com due to my job and lost contact with the college.

Annasaheb Magar College 2021-22

Last year, after the second wave of the corona, I went back to college to meet my classmate Prof. Sanjay Kamthe for some work. The whole college was transformed.

The first change was from a one-storey building to an educational complex. The science branch started when I was in my first year of senior college. There was only one special subject in science which was available at only two colleges in Pune, and one of them was Annasaheb Magar College. 

Earlier boys and girls from this area had to go to Pune for college education but now students from Pune also started coming to this college.

When we entered in 1983-84, there was only one building. Today, there is a separate building for each branch. The facilities in the college are sophisticated and up-to-date.

When we were in college, there were limitations in choosing special subjects, because at that time, very few subjects were available as special subjects, such as marketing or banking for commerce. But now there is plenty to choose from.

Art, Commerce and Science as well as IT for Computer from 11th to graduate and postgraduate education is facilitated.

BA and MA in 7 different special subjects for Arts, BSc and MSc in 9 special subjects for Science and B Com / M Com BBA special subjects are also available in Commerce.

Annasaheb Magar College 2022 with state-of-the-art facilities

When we were in college, there were not many facilities available. But all the necessary facilities were available, so there was never any problem in education.

The staff room, library, playground and necessary sports equipment, bicycle and two-wheeler stand, and most of the restrooms and washrooms. There was no need for fans and lights in the classroom. Classes are well ventilated due to a large amount of space.

We never thought of canteens. When the time came, Popat Bhairat had a ‘GajananUphar Griha’,  where Tea and breakfast were served. Vadapav and tea were available for Re1. Sometimes college professors would come here.

Today, tea, coffee, snacks, fast food, etc. are all available around the college. There are also boutiques, internet cafes, different classes, even Commerce, Science, MPSC, UPSC, and CAT classes as well as stationery and book shops. All these facilities are available near the college.

 Sophisticated amenities

Today, the IQAC-Internal Quality Assurance Cell is available in the college as per the NAAC guidelines, with computer and internet facilities to work towards maintaining and enhancing the quality of the academic and administrative performance of the organization. 

Each department has a separate staff room with computer and internet connectivity. There are separate cabins for HOD with computer and internet facilities. There is a separate room for non-teaching staff.

Common Room for Students as well as 500 sq. Ft. Common Room for Girl Students. 

There are separate toilets for male and female students on each floor of the building. Spacious parking is available for students and staff. Internet and WiFi facilities are available free of charge for all student and staff members. 

The canteen caters to the diverse needs of staff and students. The canteen is conveniently located and offers a range of food at affordable rates to the students. Central water filter units and water coolers have been installed on each floor for the students.

The college has a seminar hall equipped with projectors and a public address system. 

In addition to all these facilities, the college has also provided a state-of-the-art gymnasium free of cost.

Success story

Annasaheb wished that the students in this college should not be inferior to any other school in the city in terms of quality. 

The professors and students of the college fulfilled this wish of Annasaheb. Gold medal-winning students like Prof. Hari Narke, Sachin Tyagi, Machindra Kamthe were formed from these colleges. Many students have been ranked first on the merit list.

The sports department of the college has made this important contribution.

There are 9 students of this college who have received the prestigious ‘Shri Shivchhatrapati Sports Award’ of the Government of Maharashtra.

About 30 students from Rashtriya Seva Yojana (National Service Scheme )and Rashtriya Chhatra Sena (National Cadet Corps) Yojana participated in the Republic Parade in New Delhi.

Today, college alumni are working in various government departments as first-class officers. In addition, the college student has been successful in the fields of co-operation, social, educational, political and private.

Help from Magar Family Contiuned 

Today’s Annasaheb Magar College’s new building was built by Annasaheb Magar’s nephew Satishdada Magar, The Magar family followed the tradition of Annasheb Mager. 

On 15th June 2022, Annasaheb Magar College has completed 50 years and is entering its 51st year.   

Most college students may not know the history of the establishment of the college and as far as I know, there is no website that has information on these subjects so I wrote this article to make it available.

If you have any further information to share please send it to

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Waiting for your comments.

Hadapsar News Bureau.


References: Karmayogi Annasaheb Magar Kaal… Vaktitva  …Kartutva  Author: Dr. Mrs. Seema Sagar Kalbhor, various newspapers and internet

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