Pu La Deshpande Academy will be transformed – Cultural Affairs Minister Amit Deshmukh.
Mumbai: As the PL Deshpande Academy, which is functioning as the apex academy in the field of culture, needs to be transformed, it should be emphasized in the coming time, said Cultural Affairs Minister Amit Deshmukh.
A meeting on granting autonomy to PLDeshpande Academy was held at the Ministry today under the chairmanship of Cultural Affairs Minister Amit Deshmukh. The meeting was attended by Deputy Secretary of Cultural Affairs Vilas Thorat, Deputy Secretary Shailesh Jadhav, Director of Directorate of Cultural Affairs Bibhishan Chavre and other concerned officials.
Mr Deshmukh said that the work of preserving the art tradition of Maharashtra is done through this academy. The academy has been instrumental in enriching the artistic talents of various artists in the state. The academy needs to work in the future to enrich the artistic taste of the audience coming to this academy. Information should also be sought on how to do this by appointing an expert consultant working on a public-private partnership basis.