Relief for pensioners, Banks have been instructed to disburse Pension expeditiously.

Relief for pensioners, Banks have been instructed to disburse Pension expeditiously.

Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh says Banks have been instructed to disburse Pension expeditiously in view of the current COVID pandemic. This decision will enable senior citizens to get a pension easily. The move will lead to “Ease of Living” for elder citizens.  In a major reform aimed at seeking “Ease of Living” for elder citizens, Banks have been instructed to disburse Pension efficiently in view of the current COVID pandemic. Instructions have also been issued that in case of death of a pensioner, the spouse or the family member of the deceased pensioners should not be subjected to any inconvenience by seeking unnecessary details and documents, and instead, the pension should be given at the earliest. 

 Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare, Union Minister of State   Dr Jitendra Singh
Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare, Union Minister of State Dr Jitendra Singh

Briefing about the Circular issued by the Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare, Union Minister of State   Dr Jitendra Singh revealed that some instances have been brought to the notice of the Department wherein on the death of a pensioner, the family members of the deceased were asked by the disbursing banks to submit details and documents, which are otherwise not required for commencement of Family Pension. He said the government under Prime Minister Narendra Modi is committed to seeking “Ease of Living” for all, including the pensioners and, therefore, such inconvenience to the elderly citizens has to be avoided, particularly during the time of the pandemic. In a preannouncement to the Heads to all the Pension Disbursing banks, it has been instructed that without causing harassment to the family members of the deceased pensioner, the pension should be commenced on the production of the Death Certificate of the deceased pensioner and in the case where the pensioner had a joint account with his or her spouse, submission of a simple letter or application should suffice for the commencement of Family Pension.

 In cases where the spouse did not have a joint account with the deceased pensioner, a simple application in Form-14 bearing the signature of two witnesses should be held valid for commencement of Family Pension. The Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare (DOPPW) has also instructed the banks to conduct special awareness programmes to sensitise the concerned officers, in order to make them aware of the latest instructions as well as for compassionate handling of Family Pension cases. 

It has also been instructed that the Bank’s website should prominently display the name and contact details of a Nodal Officer, who can be contacted by a family pensioner in the event of any inconvenience faced in processing Family Pension cases after the death of the pensioner. In addition, a half-yearly statement on the progress of sanction of Family Pension cases may be submitted to the Department of Pension in the prescribed format.  It may be recalled that the current reform is a part of a series of such path-breaking reforms undertaken by the Department of Pension recently for the benefit of the pensioners, elderly citizens and their families.

निवृत्तीवेतनाधारकांची कागदपत्रांच्या त्रासातून सुटका, कोरोना महामारी लक्षात घेता त्वरेने निवृत्तीवेतन वितरण करण्याच्या बँकांना सूचना .

कोरोना महामारी लक्षात घेता त्वरेने निवृत्तीवेतन वितरण करण्याच्या बँकांना सूचना – केंद्रीय मंत्री जितेंद्र सिंह.ज्येष्ठ नागरिकांना सुलभ राहणीमान प्राप्त होण्यासाठी मदत होईल. सध्याची कोरोना महामारी लक्षात घेता, जेष्ठ नागरिकांचे जीवनमान सुलभ होण्याच्या दृष्टीने महत्वाची सुधारणा करत, निवृत्तीवेतन त्वरेने वितरीत करण्याच्या सूचना बँकांना देण्यात आल्या आहेत.   निवृत्तीवेतन धारकाचा मृत्यू झाल्यास त्याचा जोडीदार किंवा कुटुंबातल्या सदस्यांची , अनावश्यक तपशील आणि कागदपत्रे यासाठी गैरसोय होऊ नये आणि निवृत्तीवेतन लवकरात लवकर वितरीत करण्यात यावी अशा सूचना जारी करण्यात आल्या आहेत. Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare, Union Minister of State Dr Jitendra Singh

निवृत्ती वेतन आणि निवृत्तीवेतन धारक कल्याण विभागाने जारी केलेल्या परिपत्रकाबाबत डॉ जितेंद्र सिंह यांनी माहिती दिली. निवृत्तीवेतन धारकाचा मृत्यू झाल्यानंतर, त्या व्यक्तीचे  निवृत्तीवेतन वितरीत करणाऱ्या बँकेने, त्यांच्या कुटुंबियांना, कौटुंबिक निवृत्तीवेतना साठी आवश्यक नसणारा तपशील आणि कागदपत्रे सादर करायला सांगितल्याची काही प्रकरणे  विभागाच्या निदर्शनाला आणून देण्यात आल्याचे त्यांनी सांगितले.  पंतप्रधान नरेंद्र मोदी यांच्या नेतृत्वाखालील सरकार, निवृत्तीवेतन धारकासह सर्वांचे जीवनमान सुलभ करण्यासाठी कटीबद्ध असल्याचे ते म्हणाले. म्हणूनच ज्येष्ठ नागरिकांची गैरसोय, विशेषतः कोरोना महामारीच्या काळात गैरसोय टाळण्यासाठी लक्ष पुरवण्यात येत आहे.    

निवृत्तीवेतन वितरीत करणाऱ्या सर्व बँकांच्या प्रमुखांना पत्र पाठवण्यात आले असून मृत निवृत्तीवेतनधारकाच्या कुटुंबियांना कोणताही त्रास न देता, मृत्यूचा दाखला सादर केल्यानंतर कुटुंबियांना  निवृत्तीवेतन जारी करावे तसेच निवृत्तीवेतनधारकाचे त्याच्या जोडीदारासमवेत संयुक्त खाते असल्यास केवळ पत्र किंवा अर्ज, कौटुंबिक निवृत्तीवेतन सुरु करण्यासाठी पुरेसा असल्याचे यात  म्हटले आहे.मृत निवृत्तीवेतनधारकाचे त्याच्या जोडीदारासमवेत संयुक्त खाते नसल्यास दोन साक्षीदारांच्या स्वाक्षऱ्यासह फॉर्म-14, कौटुंबिक निवृत्तीवेतन सुरु करण्यासाठी वैध मानला जाईल.      





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