The government is trying to promote women’s rights


The government is trying to promote women’s rights

-Minister of State Abdul Sattar.

Pune: Women have proved their efficiency by making remarkable achievements in various fields. Minister of State Abdul Sattar stated that the government should make continuous efforts for the holistic and complete development of women as well as respect for women’s empowerment. He also said that SNDT will do its utmost to solve the problems of the college. SNDT-College-Of-Home-Science,Pune

Minister of State Sattar inaugurated the renovated administrative office of SNDT College of Home Science. Principal Dr Muktaja Mitkari, Principal of Churchgate SNDT College Dr Rajendra Gurav, Dr Dinesh Pardeshi, Bharat Rajput were present on this occasion.

Minister of State Shri Sattar said that various schemes are being implemented by the government for the empowerment of women. Through these schemes, schoolgirls, young women, working women, elderly women, housewives, etc. are being encouraged to live a life of self-reliance and self-confidence. The empowerment of women through self-help groups in rural areas is a priority.

With the help of the Home Science Department of SNDT College, women have got employment in various fields. The work of empowering women in the state as well as imparting employment lessons is being done through the college. This college is known all over the country. He said that a meeting would be held at the ministry level to get more facilities and solve the problems of the college.

Mr Sattar said that women have made remarkable achievements during the Corona period. He also mentioned that the contribution of Asha workers, Anganwadi workers and health workers is important.

Principal Dr Muktaja Mitkari informed me about the various initiatives and courses being implemented by SNDT College of Home Science.
Heads of various departments and students of the college were present on this occasion.

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